More than 440 active customers

More than 680 delivery locations

More than 1600 veterinary articles

More than 4000 items on offer
In Croatia, almost every organized livestock production, veterinary station, veterinary clinic, veterinary pharmacy or specialized pet store is a customer of PHOENIX Farmacija
Bioveta a. s., Boehringer Ingelheim, CEVA Sante Animale, DANiNJECT, Elanco AH (ex Bayer AH), Dechra d. d., Golash Pharma, Hipra Laboratories, Idexx Laboratories, ICF (ekskluzivni distributer), Krka – Farma d. o. o., Jorgen Kruuse A/S, Lekos d. o. o., Lek Veterina d. o. o., MSD AH (Intervet), Noviko s. r. o. (ekskluzivni distributer Calibra hrane za kućne ljubimce), Natural Best Products, Orion Pharma (ekskluzivni distributer), Pharmac, S.I.N. Hellas, Syva Laboratories, Tolsa, Vetoquinol, Veyx, Virbac, Zoetis…
Herbamax drops for dogs and cats 5x1ml
More than 440 active customers
More than 680 delivery locations
More than 1600 veterinary articles
More than 4000 items on offer