Bussiness to bussiness


A webinar is an audiovisual online education service that participants can access anytime and anywhere via a computer, tablet or smartphone. Since mid-2022, the mobile application Doctrina has also been available. The advantage of webinars is remote education, which enables a high level of simplicity and the possibility of a larger number of participants, while at the same time offering the same quality as the traditional live education method. The webinar is conducted in cooperation with pharmaceutical companies through the Doctrina portal, and the goal is to enrich the knowledge and skills of healthcare professionals and to conduct professional training. The Doctrina platform base consists of: 2,400 pharmacists, 1,800 pharmaceutical technicians in 920 pharmacies, 1,500 general practitioners and specialists. The average percentage of webinar views is 60%, and the participants rated them with an average score of 9.55. Education can also be scored by the Croatian Chamber of Pharmacists and the Croatian Medical Chamber. A commercial webinar is active for 14-21 days, with a recommended duration of 7-8 minutes, while educational webinars last 60 minutes.

Telemarketing is one of the main instruments of direct marketing and also a tool of marketing communication that is extremely important for good results, sales improvement and promotion, by providing information about the products, services and news to pharmacies. The reach is more than 900 pharmacists.

The service is provided by 24 Customer Service Centre operators. During the campaign, which lasts 5 working days, the operators are dedicated to only one contractual partner, and after the end of the campaign, the partner is provided with reports on the number of calls made, sales analysis, a list of clients to whom the message was transmitted, and an analysis of the actions carried out. The service is adapted to the needs and preferences of each partner and represents a fast and efficient way of transferring information.

Continuous investment in the improvement of additional services

Given that PHOENIX Farmacija’s work strategy is based on the continuous improvement of services for business partners, in the context of additional services, the PHOENIX BI service dates from 2019, when the service saw the light of day.

Business Intelligence business model

The idea of the Business Intelligence business model is to maximize the use of data generated from the daily operations of a pharmacy (data on procurement, inventory and sales) in order to obtain valuable information on which the business, operational and strategic decisions of users of this information will be based.

As users of BI services, we can ask ourselves:

  • what is the trend of our business results?
  • what is our position in the market compared to the competition?
  • if our business results are good, can we do even better?
  • if we are having any problems, what are the patterns and how can we eliminate them?
  • if we don’t understand something, how can we explain it?

So, the idea of the BI concept is based on the use of available data from pharmacies that are analysed, and the results of the analysis are then presented in a simple and understandable way in the form of business reports that answer the above, and a number of other questions, using a reporting tool available via any device (computer, laptop or mobile phone).

Users of the PHOENIX BI service are:

1) pharmacies included in the PHOENIX BI program (approximately 350 of them)

2) partners from the pharmaceutical industry.

Pharmacies use BI reports for the purpose of monitoring their business by reviewing procurement, sales and inventory, which enables them to analyse their own business results while comparing the data with the rest of the market. To put it simply, the pharmacy gets an additional dimension and context for its previous business analytics, because the information it receives from the PHOENIX BI report also provides information on whether other pharmacies in the area generated better or worse results.

On the other hand, partners from the pharmaceutical industry have the option of viewing data for the entire market – data from their own portfolio and the competition.

The value of the data lies in the fact that the database represents approximately 34% of the market by the market value of pharmacies that are included in the PHOENIX BI program, has excellent geographic dispersion of pharmacies and representation in all counties, and the possibility of viewing data on a daily basis.

Considering that the market in which we operate is very turbulent and subject to rapid changes in market demands and trends, the strategy of the continuous improvement of our PHOENIX BI business concept adapts to such a market environment.